

Can you skim too much? I have an extra skimmer and I was going to plug it into my sump tonight and extra skim...

car guy

it really depends if you have a reef or not, if you own a reef you can "over skim" if it's fish only and doesn't heed to be worried about, you only need trace elements if its a reef


Another question open to debate. I have a skimmer rated for a 100-300 gallon tank and my tank is only a 75 with a light bio load. It is a really efficient skimmer and mannages to pull out the rankest stuff I have ever smelled so I know it is not just trace elements. Infact when I feed the foam increase do the the increased waste in the system.
While I think it is possiable to over skim a tank I don't know where you would want to start drawing a line. If you are worried about pulling out trace minerals then why skim at all? Regular water changes should take care of replacing them. It will pull out phyto and zooplankton which your corals do feed off of but water quality is more of an issue to me.
lordofthereef: I would like to be directed to some info concernig the issue of pulling out trace elements as I know very little about this subject.
Bottom line. IMHO if you put on the extra skimmer and it pulls out crap then you are not skimming too much.
What is the size and load of your tank and what kind of skimmers are you going to use.


I've got a 90 Gallon All-Glass with 3 fish (Blonde Naso, Blueheaded Wrasse, Clarki Clown), one anenome, about 100 different cleanup critters and 6 corals at this point with 100lbs LR and a DSB. I was given a SeaClone Skimmer which didn't work great so I purchased a Prism Skimmer. Just recently, I sent back my old SeaClone which they replaced with the new version (they made some minor mods). I was going to throw it in my sump tonight to get a little better skimming. The Prism is rated to 90 Gallons and the SeaClone is rated to 100Gallons. I would be overskimming by 90 Gallons... assuming of course that the SeaClone is really all that great anyhow...