Skimmers, which ones are good and create least amount of noise?


Hello everyone,
I have read many posts regarding the skimmers and still don't know which ones are good and create least amount of noise for my 90gal tank. I have narrowed it down to 4 brands and would like to know what all you guys think about each one. I know this questions have been ask been asked but I did not see the answers that I was looking for. I hope you can help me out again.
Thank you
a)MSX 200 (People seems to like this one)
b)Octopus recirc needlewheel 200 (People seems to like this one)
c)Euroreef (I heard this is not that good)
d)ASM G3 Skimmer w/ Sedra pump ((People seems to like this one)


i have the NW-150 and it makes a hum but its not like omg thats super loud. its quieter then the sound of falling water into my sump. so its not that bad.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by thang45
All create same amount of noise?
I have had all but the euro. MSX has run best. And ASM was the loudest. All are good skimmers but IMO asm would be last and MSX would be top.


Originally Posted by ca161406
i have the NW-150 and it makes a hum but its not like omg thats super loud. its quieter then the sound of falling water into my sump. so its not that bad.
I like the way you express it "not like omg thats super loud".
BTW, what brand is NW-150?
Originally Posted by MaTT B

I have had all but the euro. MSX has run best. And ASM was the loudest. All are good skimmers but IMO asm would be last and MSX would be top.

Thanks Matt. I heard MSX is really good too. Where can I buy the MSX?
Is MSX 200 good for 90gal or I should get a lower model?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by thang45
I like the way you express it "not like omg thats super loud".
BTW, what brand is NW-150?
Thanks Matt. I heard MSX is really good too. Where can I buy the MSX?
Is MSX 200 good for 90gal or I should get a lower model?
That is octopus needle wheel 150. I would get the lower model. You can get it at marinesolutionsinc dot com


Originally Posted by MaTT B
That is octopus needle wheel 150. I would get the lower model. You can get it at marinesolutionsinc dot com
where can you find an online site the sells the octopus. i have a 90 gal setup as well, and im looking for a good skimmer??????????


Originally Posted by MaTT B
That is octopus needle wheel 150. I would get the lower model. You can get it at marinesolutionsinc dot com
Thanks for the info.
Hi smt91278,
I think you can find the same 150 at the same site too. marinesolutionsinc dot com.


The MSO Needlewheel 150 [OCT-NW-150] twice as much as the MSX200.
Is it worth it to buy the MSX200 over NW-150?


Active Member
You have to be looking at the skimmers wrong. The msx extremes, and the octo extremes are the same skimmer. The numbers designate tank size. Now, there are several versions of the octopus skimmers. The NW is not the same skimmer as the extreme. As well there are two versions of the NW's out there. The older style and the funnel neck style. There is a difference in these skimmers, but performance is probably the same. For apples top apples comparison, if it says EXTREME, it's the same "line" of skimmer, regardless of whether it's an octopus or an MSX. If it says NW then look at it and see if its looks like it's all one chamber, or if it looks more like the neck and collection cup are two different pieces. The first of those two styles would be the new funnel neck NW skimmer. The second would be the older version.
Now, as far as difference between the two "lines". The extremes are basically the fully modded version of the NW line. It also has a more energy efficient pump. As far as performance between the two pump, I have found them to be no detectable difference between them. I have the funnel neck NW200, and am currently running the sicce 2500 mesh wheel on it. I cant tell the difference in skimmate it puts out. Someone else might. With that being the case if your mod handy, and cash is the issue, go with the NW version. Then do the mods a little here and there. If not, get the Extreme version. It'll pretty much be plug and play and look slick as snot.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
You have to be looking at the skimmers wrong. The msx extremes, and the octo extremes are the same skimmer. The numbers designate tank size. Now, there are several versions of the octopus skimmers. The NW is not the same skimmer as the extreme. As well there are two versions of the NW's out there. The older style and the funnel neck style. There is a difference in these skimmers, but performance is probably the same. For apples top apples comparison, if it says EXTREME, it's the same "line" of skimmer, regardless of whether it's an octopus or an MSX. If it says NW then look at it and see if its looks like it's all one chamber, or if it looks more like the neck and collection cup are two different pieces. The first of those two styles would be the new funnel neck NW skimmer. The second would be the older version.
Now, as far as difference between the two "lines". The extremes are basically the fully modded version of the NW line. It also has a more energy efficient pump. As far as performance between the two pump, I have found them to be no detectable difference between them. I have the funnel neck NW200, and am currently running the sicce 2500 mesh wheel on it. I cant tell the difference in skimmate it puts out. Someone else might. With that being the case if your mod handy, and cash is the issue, go with the NW version. Then do the mods a little here and there. If not, get the Extreme version. It'll pretty much be plug and play and look slick as snot.

Thank you for pointing that out.
So I guess it is safe to buy MSX200 for under $300? that is the extremes version that you are talking about right?


I got my Octo NW-150 for $175 shipped from D&T about 1-1/2 months ago. It is far quieter than my overflow box and modded Maxi-jets.


Originally Posted by Nate213
I got my Octo NW-150 for $175 shipped from D&T about 1-1/2 months ago. It is far quieter than my overflow box and modded Maxi-jets.

Who is D&T?
The other model MSX200 is about $279. I think I will pay extra $100 if the MSX200 is better.