
ron colovi

New Member
Hey out there:
I have a excalibur skimmer and a Aqua C urchin skimmer.The excalbur is very old and is not making any foam.I have tryed too clean it and tryed other pumps still no foam.
The urchin on the other hand has never worked from day one.The unit is around 5 or 6 months old. I have noticed that a piece of the plastic inside is bent up slightly not staight when compared too a new one.This unit has no foam and very little water flow out of the overflow.This skimmer is in a 20 gallon sump.I have cleaned and cleaned and used a stage 3 pump and still low water flow. Is this normal?



Active Member
An urchin skimmer is rated "up to 75 gallons". You have a 75 gallon tank and a 20 gallon sump... IMO this skimmer is way to small for your system. Most people usually get a skimmer around twice as big as their tank volume...
I've never used the urchin but have read bad reviews on it doing exactly what you said. I would consider getting a new skimmer if you can. But in the mean time, maybe someone will be along soon to tell you how you can get yours to work.