skyrocketing numbers


I have a problem... my tank numbers were perfect, then I added some new fish, and the ammonia has now gone to 1, the nitrite is at .1, and the nitrate is at 10. Just yesterday I checked them, and the only elivated number was the nitrite, and it was at .05. Any quess to what could be doing this?


55g, and the only thing I added since yesterday was a tang and a serpent starfish.
Currently there is a ET Puffer, a damsel, a blenny, a choc. starfish, and a sea urchin


one 7lb one... that is the one thing I forgot to mention that I just added... it started out with 60 lbs of live sand...


Active Member
Well, that is almost definitely what spiked your levels. The rock was probably not cured, and thus, had some die off on it. The die off created ammonia in your tank.
This is definitely not good. I would try to get the ammonia levels down, ASAP. Larger water changes will help. I would also recommend getting a live bacteria supplement, such as Fritz-Zyme's Turbo Start. This will add loads of biological bacteria to your tank to convert ammonia to nitrite to nitrate.
Also, just to give you a bit of advice, both the tang and blenny will need pounds and pounds of more live rock to live. You need another 50 lbs. of live rock in there. Plus, no tangs are really going to live long in a 55.


Active Member
When you got the rock, did you put it in a bucket to see if the levels spiked in the bucket? This is the easiest way to check if it is fully cured.
I would begin changing out 30% every 2 to 3 days until the ammonia goes down.


no, stupid me, I didnt... I should have not taken the lfs word that it was fully cured... should I pull it out then?


Active Member
I probably would, or else it will just keep spiking your waters. Take it out, put it in a 5 gallon bucket of dirty tank water with an extra powerhead.
You definitely need to get a whole lot more live rock, as soon as you can.


Active Member
What is the filtration on this tank, and how was it originally cycled? How old is the system?