sleasia's tank


Active Member
Delira5cal asked to see some pics of my main I decided to post a few pics together on one thread for her...because I forget where I have already posted some. Come on in and see my tank...don't mind the dog, she doesn't bite.


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And the view from the family room... where my home made filter with (all its salt creep) sits in brazen clear view of anyone who wanders in and out of there.


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some fish from this 200 gallon tank...all alive and well, because of this site and because of beth, ophiura, NMreef, and many others whose advice I have been quietly reading for quite some time....



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and I guess that completes the tour for now until the teenagers get home and show me how to empty my camera cards. You can pet the other dog if you want to, he seems to be used to you by now....


very nice by the way if you have card reader in your pc or a cable that come with the camera you connect it to your usb port and the picture can be load to your pc. in the camera check the setting or icon of tresh and when you push on it , it will ask you if you want delet. when you try you learn.....


Active Member
Very nice looking tank
You showed off the fish & dog, how about the bird?I didn't see any big mess behind the tank....


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Ok, the birds. Well, there are actually 9 parakeets in the cage. One day I went to get some fish food at the lfs, and there were 9 parakeets in a tiny cage with a sign "You can have all the birds and the cage for free" Someone had dumped them at the pet store and they were up for adoption, but they explained to me they were all one family and would not thrive if they were separated...I'm not really sure how this happened because none of the kids were even with me, but I came home with all the birds which were not exactly free because then I had to get a large cage for them on the big internet auction site for $200. Here they are



Active Member
only one of the babies survived, and then about 4 months later died tragically when the birds nawed through something hanging in the cage and it fell down and killed the baby bird by accident.


bravo sleasia all this together come because a lot of care and love that you and your family bring to those animal and it's very nice to see it.


Active Member
Mavgi...thanks for the info...I'm sure I can do it...Its just I don't want to take the chance of accidentally erasing some pictures my daughter took.