Sleeper Goby: and CC Beds


I've recently purchased a sleeper goby about 3 1/2 inches and he loves to pick up the pieces of CC and eat the junk off of it, and this causes the tank to be cloudy most of the time... is this ok for my other 2 clowns in the tank... (one is a black percula and the oher is a true percula) What do you guys think??


Also.. i was wondering if any of you know why my True Perc hasnt eaten anything yet?? its been like a week and im getting worried about him, my other black perc has been eating since the first day and is growing fast... Ive tested the water.. everything is right on the dot, ive tried feeding him blood worms and frozen brine shrimp but he wont take any of those. What should i do???
It takes longer for some fish than others to adjust to their new home. Next time you go pass your lfs ask them what they feed the fish. Give it some time eventually he'll eat. Good luck


even if you hate the food eventually you will get hungry enough to start eating. then you get used to it.


Thx for the replys on the clown but anyone know about the CC making the water cloudy due to the Sleeper Goby moving it around all the time?