

Is it normal for a clarkii clownfish to lay almost on his side on the sand while the lights are off. It takes himabout 10 mins to fully wake up. I was just curiouse if this was normal clown behavior, or if I should purchase some kind of moonlight so he is never totaly in the dark. Thanks


It is normal. They are just weird. One of mine used to sleep on its side and the other straight up and down. They started sleeping in an anemone after that. So don't worry.


Active Member
I have a perc that is hanging around on the bottom but isn't swimming around after "lights on". His buddy is doing fine--other tankmates oK --water parameters fine. Do they take spells of melancholly or something????


Ya I have been reading around and it seems clowns sleeping patterns are kind of random. I mean mine looks dead for like 5 mins every morning when i turn the lights on. Then he just comes to life and appears healthy for the rest of the day. I guess that why they call them clown fish eh?


Active Member
They are called clownfish because they act strangely. My percs sleep behind the output for my HOT Whisper filter at the back corner of the tank at the surface.


Active Member
my clarkii does the same thing, he even takes naps during the day for a few minutes while the lights are on, he just lays down along the bottom and then in a few minutes is around swimming and eating.