Slick and any others with an in wall tank


Hey, I'm thinking about doing an in wall tank. I guess its the real reason I've delayed setting it up. I have a ton of concerns but for starters I thought I'd ask how you supported the wall section. Did you just cut the studs and lay a 2x4 across the top? The tanks only going to be about 100 gals.
Any advice would be appreciated.


First thing to do is find out if the wall you're planing on useing is a "load bearing" wall... if it isn't, than you're have no worries.

nm reef

Active Member
If it is a "load bearing" wall then you'd need to header it the same as doorways and windows...but it can be done. matter of fact I'd probably install a header regardless of the location. Sounds like the beginning stages of another great reef. Take pics along the way and keep us posted as it developes.:cool:
I want to do an inwall someday and extend the tank about a foot further beyond viewable range on both the left and the right and stick all my powerheads and stuff on those ends so there is no mechanical eyesores whatsoever in my tank.


i put a 180gal and 120 in my wall and i used 2x4's for it. most of the weight supported by tanks is on the four corners, if you look at a tank on an angle iron stand in the middle you can look straight thru. with this in mind on the corners i just squared up 3 2x4's. i took 2x4's and ran them the length of the tank with a 2x4 support coming up every 18 inches or so. its been set up a year with no problems and the tank is completely level. if you like i can get you some pics. hth


Active Member
I would use 2x4 to make a frame like NM reef said... Then I would use 4x4 to support the corners and probably throw in 2 extra 4x4 in the middle of the long sides of the tank just for added support, and to make sure the wood doesnt ever start to sag.



Originally posted by NM reef
If it is a "load bearing" wall then you'd need to header it the same as doorways and windows...but it can be done. matter of fact I'd probably install a header regardless of the location. Sounds like the beginning stages of another great reef. Take pics along the way and keep us posted as it developes.:cool:

I'm pretty sure its not a load bearing wall. I'll have a contractor buddy come out and look at it before I cut it. As soon as I can get him over I'll start cutting. Since he's here maybe I'll get him to do the work :) Thanks


Ahhh, I'm not sure about this one. That's another reason why its taking so long. There's going to be a lot of venting needed in the closet. I need to run 2x30amp circuits to it, plus the tank is smaller then I want....The only reason I'm doing this way is because of the wife.


Active Member

Originally posted by bigmac
Ahhh, I'm not sure about this one. That's another reason why its taking so long. There's going to be a lot of venting needed in the closet. I need to run 2x30amp circuits to it, plus the tank is smaller then I want....The only reason I'm doing this way is because of the wife.

Hell man I wish my wife was pushing me for an in-wall tank.....
On the other board there is a thread about steve weast's in wall tank project ....
pretty enlightening ....


No doubt bigmac..keep us informed. I will be putting in my 300 gallon and will be curious on how you are doing.
One thing for sure, is that I am having a professional install it for me. Haven't talked the wife into letting me do that one yet. In my research however, I have taken account the lighting. My tank is going to be acrylic so I will put a heat guard on the top of the tank. There is no need to compromise the integrety of the tank when it is up in the
What part of the house are you putting the tank? Mine will be in the den next to the garage. Venting/sweating of your tank may be a concern of yours. It was with me that is way I opted to the den.
Best of everything to you...please keep us updated!



Originally posted by touchdown34
What part of the house are you putting the tank? Mine will be in the den next to the garage. Venting/sweating of your tank may be a concern of yours. It was with me that is way I opted to the den.

The tank's going to be in the middle of the lower level of the house. You might say the house is 3 levels. the sunkenlower level has a Family room, Bed room, 34 bath, Garage and a closet thats under the staire case leading to the top floor. The closets about 4' x 7'. The heating unitblowercentral airforced airwhat ever they call it, is located in another closet next to the closet the tanks going in. The only way to vent the tank closet is by using the heating units vents. It shouldn't be a problem, I hope. That reminds me, I need to start another thread. Anyway, my last tank ran 3x400 watt MH's, this tank will run only 2, maybe one more if I set up a little frag tank. I like to drink beer too much so acrylics out of the question (been there done that) The front panel will be Starphire glass, all I need is 100+ pounds of Live rock and I'm set. I have all the other equipment I need.


Active Member
like to drink beer too much so acrylics out of the question (been there done that)
Mac, you crack me up man! so you wanna elaborate on this story a bit...i sure as heck am curious!
good luck


"like to drink beer too much so acrylics out of the question (been there done that)"
Yeah..I am curious about that as well. Sounds like a good story over a cold one...first round is on me..


:D come on guys, acrylics just too hard to clean....all it took was a little slip of the magnet into the sand bed and the next thing you know your scrubbing your tank with a magnet full of sand.


lol..that is why acrylic has the word "cry" in it...I had to invest is some extension grabbers or put my goggles on. lol
I do however love acrylic tanks...I had glass before and became discouraged b/c of the how many times it began leaking..
Talk to ya soon!


Active Member
I used 4 - 4 by 4's from HD. They cut them for me also. I tied them to the wall studs and to each other. I used a 1 inch thick board, also bought at HD fro the aquarium to set on. I'll post a pic. I set the front 4 x 4's on the bottom wall stud and tied them to the side studs.