Slime on Live Rock


New Member
I placed some tank clarifier in the tank and it looks like things got worse. I see brown alge on everything including the live rock. Is this normal or is there another tank claifier I can use to clear this mess up!!
How old is the tank? I would figure out what is causing the algae bloom...phosphates? Direct sunlight? or , more likely, a young tank going through a diatom bloom that will clear up in time. Best to fix the problem as opposed to covering it up. Unless you plan to use the tank clarifier as part of your trace elements, lol :D


New Member
The Tank has been set up since feb. Clean up crew, there isn't any now! can you give some suggestions. I do think it is in direct sunlight, so I put a film on the window which I think is the problem. Can I have too much light? Causing the bloom? I've noticed my one fish I have left hiding after 6 hours. Help!!
How long do you have your lights on per day? On an FO tank I would run them about 6 hours if your having problems with algae. Also, depending on the fish stock, I would encourage you to get some hermits, emerald crabs, and last but not least snails (I prefer astria and margarita) I run my lights for 6 hours starting at 3 pm. This way the fish get total dark from 9pm to 8am and a small amount of indirect sunlight during the day and then full light from 3-9pm (not sun). What about the water parameters and what do you have for circulation, i.e. powerheads, pump return, skimmer return etc.?


New Member
I do have a skelter, powerhead and wet dry filter. I will take the suggestion about the clean up crew and decreasing the lighting. I did order the 1 each invertebrate package plus the blue leggeted hermits. Hopefully I'll get it straight. Still having a slight problem with ammon. Did a water change last night. Thank you all for your help