slime on wrasse


Just moved fish to QT tank, Tang has ich others unaffected.
cleaner wrasse developed this slime all around it and is sluggish in the tank.
What is it ? I nudged him and the slime came off then I netted the slime out of the tank. the wrasse just wants to hide.
What to do?


Staff member
Sounds like you got problems in your tank. Why don't you give more info about what is going on. How you introduced ich in to your all fish that have been exposed, are now effected, btw. What are your water readings, including nitrate and phosphate.
All the fish should be treated with hyposalinity. If this does not resolve the wrasses slime problem in short order, than you can additioanlly treat with a course of antibiotics--Maracyn Two for SW fish.


Ich started when I introduced a royal gramma, I did not use QT for that, will in the future. Ich has only affected the tang. HE has had it for around a month. I used two cycles of KICK ICH, and it about all was gone after starting the second cycle, but the it returned and flourished.
ph is 8.2
ammonia is 0.0
nitrates are <10
temp is 78
salinity is 1.0021
phosphates are 0.0
KH is 8.6
ALK is 3.09
lights are on 11 hrs


Staff member
I would suggest treating all the fish with hyposalinity in a hospital tank. If, however, you can't do that. Then threat the 2 fish that appear sick. The tang and the wrasse.