Slipper Coral


Active Member
Watts per gallon is a pretty useless measure of lighting. There are far, far, too many variables for it to be adequate.
There are more questions than there are answers to your post . . . we need more info.


O.K. How about this? 75 gallon tank. 300 watts of light, all on timers. Wave Maker running three power heads. Dual Bak pak skimmer. Four inch sand bed. 75 pounds of live rock. Several types of soft coral (Colt, Pom Pom, Zoe, Ricordea). Many inverts (Scallops, porcelin crabs, gobs of assorted snails, Pencil Urchin. Fish include a Regal Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Coral Beauty, Flame Angel, Chromis, Clowns, Yellow Tang, Arc Eye Hawk. Water parameters are Temp 82 degrees, PH 8.1, Nitrates less than 10, No Ammonia, No Nitrites, Alk 4.5, Calcium around 375