slurping noise


i've got a drilled acrylic tank with a bulkhead fitting for an over flow and i can't get rid of that annoying slurping noise. any one have any ideas? i was thinking of getting a peice of angled pvc and then attaching some sort of screen on that. any insights would be really helpful


Make sure your return hose does not go down then back up, it will collect water then dump, causing a flushing sound. As far as a contioious slurping, does the bulk head come into the back of the tank or is it drilled in the bottom with a piece of pvc sticking up, if it is you can take 12" or so piece of air line tubing, and put a wire tie, plastic zip type tie, on the end, then let it dangle into the open pipe, you will have to play with it to get the correct placement but it will mess with the air that is getting sucked into the line and quiet it down.


Off hand, I would say that the reason for the slurping noise is a situation where the overflow begins to actually syphon water from the tank, then when the tank level falls (doesn't take much) the syphon is broken, when the level rises again (return pump) the syphon begins again, and on and on....
you could drill a hole in the overflow tube (outside the tank, and above water level of the tank) to allow air to enter, this will prevent a syphon effect from starting and should do a great deal to minimize or eliminate this effect. Others on this forum know a great deal more than I in this area.


If the holes small enough just stick a bio ball on top. This is what I did on mine I have a hang on overflow and it was making alot of noise so I stuck a bio ball in th sponge and placed it back over the pipe no more noise.


thanks eveyone for the quick response(the slurp has been driving me nuts for hours now!). i think you hit the nail on the head surf, i'm gonna try and tap into the pipe as it exits the bulkhead. i may have to graft some sort of tube into the top, just to make sure that the water doesn't find its way outta the system.


That's a very good idea, as long as you give yourself an inch or two you should never have a problem. I'm very interested in how things work out for you, so many have posted with similar problems. Please let us know how well this solution works, it may help others.


Active Member
Guess I'll toss in an idea too.
I found that if the drain hose/pipe was vertical, that the water level in the drain hose would begin to rise up some, then as it's weight/head/volume in the hose rose up, it would eventually push the water on down and through. This made a gurgling noise in my set up, and was very cyclical.
I slanted the hose so there was always an open airway from the overflow to the sump, letting the water slide down the hose's lowest side, and into the sump.
As long as I kept the open airway along the entire length of the hose, secured the hose to keep the slanted angle, there was nothing to gurgle. Water just runs down the low side, like it want's to do anyway, and the airway allowed everything to vent at each end.


REMDOS, you got the fix I have in place, I just didn't know how to discribe it here, the top of the tube needs a cap, and start drilling till the toilet flushing stops, thats what I did and all you hear is a trickle now...:D


fixed it! i drilled a hole large enough to fit a straw in, but only about half way through the first elbow in my overflow, then finished the hole with a bit just a tad smaller than the straw so it would kinda rest on a lip on the inside, then siliconed the straw in place. works like a charm, thanks for the help.