

Active Member
are you sure its a slug, or is it all black but a sliver of white down the middle? the reason i ask is because there is a snail called a shield limpet that has fleshy appendages that cover its shell and makes it look much like a nudi or slug. these guys aregood guys and you dont want to get rid of em
the scientific name is Scutus unguis if you wann search for em!
good luck


john ,
thanks for the scientific name on that snail my LFS has them in all his reef tanks but does not sell them u have any idea where u can buy them does SWF sell them

coral crazy

New Member
As a matter of fact it does have a strip of white down its back but its strip gets bigger and wider when its defensive.And it also flares its body out much bigger when it defensive.It looks just like the one on the slug website (apysia morio).It was trying to eat my hard coral too. Thanks for the reply.


Active Member
alamark, aside from getting these guys as hitchikers, i have never seen them for offer anywhere else. thats a good question. i really dont know what to tell you except try some tonga or fiji live rock, as thats where mine came from.
coral, the white band sounds almost exactly like the shield limpet, however they are algae grazers, and do not eat hard corals. one way to tell for sure. if it is a limpet, the white thin gyou are seeing is a shell you might try poking it to see of its hard. if it is its prob the limpet and i would nt worry about it, however if its not, it might be a predatory worm, or possibly a nudi!
good luck

nm reef

Active Member
Really hard to attempt a positive ID on a slug(especially without a pic) but below is a excellant site with info on a large number of species...check it out. Maybe you'll find the type you have....if so let us know.
sea slugs


Active Member
I had Limpets all over my 180. They reproduce fast!
They never bothered anything, mostly hung out in my overflow and ate algea.