small agressive tank info needed!

hello i am wondering if i could have a small frog fish in my 30 gallon aggressive it would be with a 12 inch snow flake eel,engeneer goby and maybe a small toby puffer? all info would be great thanks Jake

small triggers

Active Member
The frogfish, depending on size will try to eat the goby and toby, so i would advise against it. I would think the sfe once large enough would then try to eat the frogfish

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
The frogfish, depending on size will try to eat the goby and toby, so i would advise against it. I would think the sfe once large enough would then try to eat the frogfish
sounds about right to me...
I always thought a marine planted frogfish tank would be cool and a 30g is a nice size for that, just a suggestion.
i know this sounds bad but the sfe is clases to 10 1/2 inches and he is a super healthy and fun creature im only raising him until he out grows the tank and then i will take him back to the store and like i said earlier it sounds bad but i dont think he would mind.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish are good
i know this sounds bad but the sfe is clases to 10 1/2 inches and he is a super healthy and fun creature im only raising him until he out grows the tank and then i will take him back to the store and like i said earlier it sounds bad but i dont think he would mind.
10 1/2 inches is already too big for a 30g tank

small triggers

Active Member
If you really want the frogfish, wait until you have gotten the sfe outta the tank and just do the frogfish with some damsels for movement (and food) and you can always do corals with him if intrested.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish are good
ok sry wasnt trying to start anything

I didn't mean it like that (I guess it sounded like it,sorry) but anyway...
Wait on the SFE until you get a bigger tank around the 55g range or more (preferably) and stick to some smaller fish you like for your 30g. yes it is a small tank but you can do ALOT with it. like I said before, if you like different types of macro algaes you can make it a planted/ species only frogfish tank and have like a pair of them in there...
i know i sounded dumb earlier when i said that the eel didnt mind but lol oh well i have been in this fun hobby for 5 years and i am almost 16 i have a 125 gallon mixed reef a 5.5 gallon invert reef.and also at my highschool i have a 30 gallon aquarium that has about 25 lbs of live rock and the sfe. also a dumb question is how do you upload pics?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish are good
i know i sounded dumb earlier when i said that the eel didnt mind but lol oh well i have been in this fun hobby for 5 years and i am almost 16 i have a 125 gallon mixed reef a 5.5 gallon invert reef.and also at my highschool i have a 30 gallon aquarium that has about 25 lbs of live rock and the sfe. also a dumb question is how do you upload pics?
make an account on and upload them to that site then copy & paste the image code into a post on