small eel


Active Member
Okay, this question is for a friend. He has a established 10 gal tank and wants to know if there is any type of eel that he could put in this tank safely??


Active Member
Again, I am no expert. A really small snowflake would be nice for a few months. But it will not take long for it too get too big.
If your friend is willing to give it up soon down the road, they are a decent addition.
As for me, I would not do it.


Active Member
Okay, what is the minimum size tank they can be in and he also wants to know what other things can be kept with them safely??
I know absolutley nothing about eels so this is why I am here to ask, the scare the daylights out of me. They remind me of snakes and ask hubby what he was thinking when he put a dead one around my neck and I ran through the glass door. What an idiot.......


Originally Posted by Debbie
Okay, what is the minimum size tank they can be in and he also wants to know what other things can be kept with them safely??
I know absolutley nothing about eels so this is why I am here to ask, the scare the daylights out of me. They remind me of snakes and ask hubby what he was thinking when he put a dead one around my neck and I ran through the glass door. What an idiot.......

They scare my wife also, she has named any eel I have had "Snake"...You might be ok in a 30 or 35 with a Snowflake if you bought him very small. They are very very very hardy, just give him plenty of rockwork to hide in. I am also curious to hear some other opinions though.