Small Skimmer?


I want to get an in sump skimmer for my 37g tank. All of the recommendations that I have seen in other posts have been for skimmers that are made for 100+ gallon systems. Is there a quality skimmer out there that will fit a small tank with a 10g sump? Any help would be really appreciated!!


Thanks Kip, I now remember something about twice the capacity on your skimmer. I want to make this new tank very nice so that I am not constantly fixing my mistakes caused by trying to do it cheap. Would getting the smallest EuroReef be worth it. I'd have to break the bank, but if it will makes everything so much better it just might be worth saving up for awhile.
If anyone else out there has suggestions please chime in!


Active Member
for my 28 gallon i use a berlin airstone skimmmer. All you need is an air pump. It suction cups to the inside of the tank (or sump)
I customized it to use two pumps at once to get that turbo effect.;)
P.S. Here are some pics, it is a great little skimmer for a small tank. and it only cost me 40 bucks at the ***** (first setup i had before SWF)


i found a protien skimmer at a local pet store of all place that I am going to try out. It was designed for a small tank. I have also found a couple online that would work. i'll send the link if you want to provide your email.