small tank


hi need quick advise on a small filter for a 20 gal tank that i will only be keeping like 4 small damsels in with one or 2 small pieces of live rock what should i use for filter i have some CC in it already and a 302 power head circulating the water

marine qa

I would go with a Emperor 380. I think its a 380. Whatever is just smaller than the Emperor 400.
You will hear this from everyone, but I might as well be the first. Remove the CC and replace with 4+ inches of LS. You will never regret it, and your tank will be filtered better than with any hang-on filter alone.


I agree with QA. I'd also go with more LR (I believe the general suggestion is one pound per gallon). With a 20 gallon tank, if you have the LS and LR, you really wouldn't need a filter. The LS and LR will do the filtering for you. Just do a 10% water change each week and you should be set. That's what I do with my 10 gallon. So far so good with that :)


it's a 280. lol.
I would still use it for the mechanical filter, and bio back up. they run about $30.


Active Member
Well I will give you a different viewpoint, while a DSB might be better.. it is going to take up a lot of rooom in such a small tank. The 4" is going to really cut into the tank volume. Personally with such a small tank ( small to me is 30 gal or less ) I would just use a shallow cc base. Just add plenty of live rock and you shouldn't have a problem with filtration.
nothing big, maybe a small wet/dry like a millenium 2000 (sp? something like that) so u have some filtration and gives more circulation