small trigger and a leopard shark !

ok i hav a 150 with a trigger and a porky and a cleaner and a yellowtang and also a blue damsel and my big boy panther grouper., the problem i hav is that the trigger tries to eat the cleaner and the blue damsel , even though he has eaten 2 damsels already so if he kills one more fish i,am thinking of getting a small leopard shark to put in my tank , do u guys think the shark would get picked on or should i get rid of the trigger ? the trigger would be put into a 55 gallon with 2 eels


Triggers will pick on sharks. You may have a lot less of a chance with a leopard shark being picked on because they are in constant movement unlike bamboo cats. Especially in a tank as small as a 150. You really should not keep a leopard shark in a 150 unless you have a place to put it in 5 months or someone that will take it off your hands. If you do decide to put a leopard shark in a 150 you shouldn't have any other tank mates with the exception of a bottom dwelling shark or maybe a large crab. The leopard shark will grow 6 to 8 inches per year and will grow to 5 or 6 feet long depending on the ---. Just keep that in mind.
thanks for the info , i wonder if there is a shark that swims around instead of laying on the ground that i could keep in a 150 , the pet store here in south florida is selling a loepard shark and a nurse shark for 225 for both he has them in a 150 i just love sharks but i understand what u mean thanks but if u know of a sharks that swims around that won,t outgrow the tank too fast please let me know thank u again :D