small water change in qt?


New Member
My ocs clowns have 10 more days in qt before they can do in the regular tank, but I didn't know if I can do a small water change - like 5%. There is a teeny amount of yuck at the bottom of the tank where they didn't eat the first couple of days, and now where the waste has been settling. I didn't know if that was a problem or not. The levels are perfect in there and have been perfect the entire time, but one of the clowns is acting a little ho-hum the over the last day and just hovering near the bottom behind one of the pipes and not swimming around as actively as usual. I can't figure out what's going on with him except for the waste at the bottom of the tank since everything else is fine. There is nothing physically that I can see on him to indicate a problem, either.


I would recommend adding power head to boost circulation for that would help with settling /dead spots which you shouldn't have and yes a 5% water change is fine to do.


New Member
OK, Thanks! I thought my filter would be enough to take care of the water movement, but I guess not!