small white things in tank


ive got these small white things growing inside my filter box and behind the powerheads they are about 1/8 of an inch long kinda whitish and clear and looks like they have some small short strings coming off of htem anyone have an idea what htis could be? i know its kind of a vague discription


I have the same in my tank. My roomate said they were a type of snail, but they move really fast when the want to, he said I need to get soething to treat the tank because the will take over. They seem to clump near algae and mine are very very small, so small I will be taking some into my school laboratory to view under the microscope. I will post again on Wednesday with what I saw under the scope and any new info I find.
Maybe a Q-tip sponge? Harmless filter feeder. Do a forum search, I know that someone posted a pic of these a short while back.
Good Luck,