small zebra lion..

mr. tuna

Active Member
What is the maximum size of a dwarf zebra lion?
I was thinking of adding one into my 92,
but i dont want it to eat my other fish,which are only
approximately 1.5-3 inches. Will a lion eat clownfish
larvea when layed? or will it get to them when they hatch?


Active Member
I'd think they'd get the small fry when the hatch, my dwarf has good eyesight and goes after some pretty small organisms in my tank at times.

mr. tuna

Active Member
do lions rest at night?
or are they nocturnal?
Because i really want to raise clown larvea, and
will take the fry out when hatched, though
i dont want him to eat it all.
By the way.. do you have a dwarf zebra, or antenneta?
Because it is awsome!


You will have problems with your lion eating your clowns heheh not only the larvae. Zebras get to be around 8 inches or so. They are nocturnal but they get used to the light cycle in a tank and become active around feeding time.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Thats really awsome moray!! :yes:
..just still worried about not only the clon larvea,
but also the clowns.