Smallest Sea horse tank?



Anyone have an idea on how small a seahorse tank can be to have a self sustainable pod population for the various types of seahorses?


i have mine on a 29 gallon with a 15 gallon refugium
they seem to be doing well, and barely touch live brine when i do feed, pods everywhere


Active Member
I've been researching this a bit and the problem is really that the dwarf seahorses can only eat baby and small, to really ensure pod success you need to be able to house the mid-to larger size seahorses. So...your very small tanks are out. I think something like what chevytrks is talking about would be fairly necessary--at least a 10-15 gal display tank (to let you keep med sized species) with a sizable refugium...


Chevytrks, how many and of what type of sea horses do you have in your set up?
I am trying to decide how to go about setting one up in my kitchen when I move. With the refugium overhead hidden in a cabinet.


Active Member
Daniel--I'm guessing you've seen the pics of Brooklyn Johnny's kitchen nano? If not, do a search--just 'kitchen nano' will turn it up. One of the most amazing things I've ever seen...he may be able to help you with logistics on plumbing and such since that's how he has his set up--tank on counter with fuge in cabinet above...


:) Yep, ever since I seen that post a few weeks ago.... I "HAVE TO" build one. Perfect time as I am about to purchase my first condo. So hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to set it up, and start waiting for the pod population to grow. I am trying to have it as self sustainable as possible with natural food. Never had sea horses before, trying to research all I can before I go about it.
Oh, I checked out those stores in Ann Arbor you mentioned to me. Its to bad he wouldn't take payments on that aquarium at Coral Reef. Best of luck in your search though!


Active Member
I'm a little confused.. your not going to be able to fit too many seahorses in a 10 gallon nano... i would estimate... barely one.
What size r u really interested. THe smallest i would go for anything besides a dwarf would be a 20 gallon and in there you can fit around 3 safely.
Your tank should be set up for a good amount of time before getting a sehaorse... i would recommend six to seven months... this willa lso allow the pod amount to grow.
I would recommend a 15 -20 gallon refugium too... just fill it up with live rock and see what happens.


I just posted this in the nano forum because it will be a small species only set up. I believe I could probally fit up to a 29g aquarium in the kitchen spot I am planning. I am also not really concerned with the number of sea horses 2 or 3 would be nice if possible. I am mainly trying to figure out if its feasible to have a self supplying pod population. Yes, I am planning on just letting the pods grow and everything to be right for a long time before I put sea horses in. Still not sure what type of sea horses to get. I am just gathering infomation and researching now.
Chevytrks, what kind of sea horses do have? Can you tell me more about how you have yours set up, or even post a picture? Thanks.