Smart Huma Huma


My huma huma is still fairly new (got him about 6 weeks ago) in my 155 bowfront.
I noticed he taunts my cats. They sit on chairs to watch him and he will purposely swim up to the glass and right in their faces. The cat will get so excited he/she will fall off the chair trying to get him.

I got the huma huma because I wanted a social fish, but he is still shy of me. He accepts that I feed him, but he has no problem teasing the cats. Anyone else have smart fish like that?

el guapo

Active Member
Yup , Humu humu's are a laugh a minute mine teases the cat and the kids , Begs like a dog any time I open the freezer , Plays in the cave where the power head blows bubbles .


I will definitely take some video. I am new to aggressives, so I really didn't know what to expect from him.
For them, are the females less colorful? The one I have is really vibrant, but I saw another one at a fish store that didn't have the bright blue on its forehead.


Triggers are the smartest fish we have in this hobby. At least that's what I see of all the fish I've kept. lol, probably the dumbest fish I've seen are tangs. But they're pretty looking and that makes up for their stupidity.
I mean I look at my powder blue tang and all it does all day is swim back and forth and eat. I feel no connection with it at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Are you sure it was a humu humu and not a bursa or rectangle ?
Good call, could be a Bursa....All the Rhino Trigs are wonderful, entertaining fish in the right setup.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Triggers are the smartest fish we have in this hobby. At least that's what I see of all the fish I've kept. lol, probably the dumbest fish I've seen are tangs. But they're pretty looking and that makes up for their stupidity.
I mean I look at my powder blue tang and all it does all day is swim back and forth and eat. I feel no connection with it at all.
I'm thinking you don't give the Tang family their due credit. In my previous tank, all my fish would get excited if anyone came up to the tank, thinking they were getting something to eat, except my Achilles Tang.....True story, he ignored everybody but me (the feeder) and only got "excited" when I came up to the tank. I'm thinking he was pretty bright.


I am pretty sure it was a huma huma, but I could have been mistaken. Although I have seen bursa triggers before so I should know the difference.
My hippo tang is clingy. He is completely lost if the clown is in the anemome and the blenny is in his cave. Otherwise he follows those two around.


Maybe it's just my tangs. I have a powder blue and a naso and both are very distant, they don't really react to me other than when I put in the algae clip or feed them. But like when I go close to the tank, they just do their thing. They don't seem very smart to me. The triggers are smart, my puffer seems smart, queen angel is smart, foxface is average, the tangs are right at the bottom. I'd say the tangs and wrasses are about the same. But I gotta say, the naso does seem a little smarter than the powder blue.


I have been watching my cats and trigger all weekend with the camera ready and of course now the cats are ignoring the tank. I will get them.

it's chuck

My Bluethroat seems much smarter than my Humu humu was. He would just fly around the tank and occasionally bump into something and be like Ohh look what I found and then forget about it the next day, then find it a week later and act like he'd never seen it before. My Bluethroat however actually swims around and notices things and remembers them. For instance I have a hermit with an anemone on it's shell and he noticed it and every day in the morning he would swim around and find him no mater where he was and grab him and set him on the top of one of the highest rocks and through out day as the hermit would leave he'd grab him and set him back up top. After a week of this the hermit abandoned the shell


The bluethroat is going to be my next fish!! I saw one at a store, but all it did was hide, plus I shouldn't be spending money on fish right before christmas...
I hope I get a good one.


Active Member
When I had a glass tank, my grouper used to splash me every time I'd open the canopy. Then my ray learned to do it and used to get me soaked. Fortunately, they have not yet figured out how to do it in an acrylic tank, because there is a ledge over the edges.
I used to have a puffer that would actually spit water at me when hungry. That was wild.
IMO, puffers have the best personalities of all sw fish.