Smartest fish?


Anyone know what the smartest fishes are? I want fish in my all mushroom/duster tank, but they keep wandering into the mouth my elephant ear mushroom and getting eaten.
I do not require a prestigious educational backgrounds either...
Just something that will live!!!!


well...considering that their brains are the size of a single crumb, i doubt many of them are smart, but teh smartest i think i heard somewhere that they are tangs or gobies. Gobies have good "safety strategies", ie they wave their tail to signal to a pistol shrimp that something is amiss. tangs use their long mouths to get safely to teh core of an urchin to kill and eat it and not get hit by the spines. other fish may have certain smarts.


Smartest? the ones that are still in the ocean!
Hmm, I has a Snowflake eel that was really clever, nothing bothered him...used to hang out in the coral for some reason...I often thought he was a "clown eel".
messy guys though.


get a clown fish, if your licky he may try and host him. i had a clown that hosted one of my big open green brains and anothe host a big rock of zoos. i have also herd of a clo0wn hosting a feather duster some how.


I did a study a few years back testing the intelligence of a retangular trigger fish and a spotted grouper. Though the outcome was inconclusive trigger fish and groupers seem extremly intelligent. Whether that will prevent them from falling pray to your corals is another thing altogether. As an aside brain size is not that good a metric in determening intelligence.


Active Member
IMO a clown is a bad idea because it may try to host the elephant ear. My understanding is that the elephant ear will just eat the clown if that happens. If the mushroom is eating every other fish that wonders by its mouth, it will certainly eat one that tries to live right on top of it.


Active Member
Question: What is an elephant ear mushroom and how does it eat fish? Any pictures of one somewhere?


As an aside brain size is not that good a metric in determening intelligence.
I agree... and an EEM is a mushroom coral that is usually quite large.... and they eat the fish by closing up like a giant round sac then injesting the fish after sufficating it!