
Is live rock suppose to smell bad.. i got once pieces that down right stinks.. but the other pieces dont smell @ all.. whats up with that


Active Member
If it smells like sulfur its not cured yet, the is still dead or almost dead animals on it. Dont put it in an existing set up.
If its a nice piece and you want it in your tank you need to put it in a container that covers the rock compleatly with salt water and put a power head in with it and possibly a heater if you cant keep it to about 78 degrees, also I would not run any lights over it, do this and about once a week do a 50 to 75 percent water change until the rock doesnt smell any more, this could take a few weeks or just a few days, depending on the extent of the smell, just dont put in the tank until the smell is gone or ammonia spike will happen ....cya


I agree, keep it out of the tank until you can cycle as suggested. Sounds as though it have quite a bit of die off while in transit to you.