Smoking Mushroom


Active Member
My friend said that last night, lights out, one of his "shrooms" was smoking. Ive heard that corals reproduce at night, but I wanna make sure if that was wat was happening. There are others in his tank, and it was at night, so Im guessing thats it, but I want some reassurance. Thanx


Active Member
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but alot of corals spawn at night. Though most shrooms, if not all, use pedal reproduction, growing a baby shroom from the foot of the parent. However, most likely his shroom was simply "pooing".



Originally posted by cprdnick
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but alot of corals spawn at night. Though most shrooms, if not all, use pedal reproduction, growing a baby shroom from the foot of the parent. However, most likely his shroom was simply "pooing".

Hmmm....Ok My only real experience with shrooms was a "Rolling Stones" concert back in "88", up in Milwaukee.....hey, cut me some slack, I was only 19 and I was in the, as far as "pooing" is concerned, have you visited the "poop string" thread ????? Look for it....


Active Member
most corals reproduce from fragmentation and spawning.
It is possible that it could be releasing the sperm or the eggs.


New Member
I had a mushroom that produced 2 baby mushrooms. It did this by twisting at the base then leaving a little tiny mushroom. I never saw it "smoking."