Snail ID (pics)


Active Member
Hi All...sorry about the unspectacular photos, camera is dying, but can anyone ID this guy for me?

I *think* this guy may have started as a tiny white and speckled hitchhiker I first saw eons ago, but he's covered in corraline now. I see him once in a blue moon, usually cruising the rocks or glass, never near other snails or the clam.
I've looked through the snail ID thread with no luck, he seems "bumpier" than most of those. His foot is green, with a trunk but I don't see a "claw" like a conch.....any help is appreciated!
I'm going to put him back in the tank for now.


Active Member
:) I do have nassarius snails in there, but yeah none of them have corraline on them....the mystery continues!


welck's bad for your tank, will drill holes in other snail shells and eat them..also can lay eggs that will spread fast...good luck with him/her...


Keri, can you stick it to something then get a pic?? I mean, put it on the glass of your tank or sump and get a pic??
I was wanting to see how it's laid out while it's stuck to something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Keri, can you stick it to something then get a pic?? I mean, put it on the glass of your tank or sump and get a pic??
I was wanting to see how it's laid out while it's stuck to something.
Heh, noo.... gone now lol, lost in the rocks. Next time I find it I will tho!!