snail id


New Member
can anyone tell me if these snails are good or bad, they came in some chaeto. the big one is a little bigger than a quarter, and the smaller ones are like about the size of a nickel and they always stay at the top, half out of the water. thanks.


Active Member
Not the best photo but IMO, the two smaller ones are Cerithiums and the larger one is a Nassarius. Both are OK.


Active Member
they could be the fake nassarius snails that people are trying to pawn off as them (the ones from north carolina). they also look like periwinkles...


Active Member
actually, from the behavior, i'm going to say most likely periwinkles...
if they go above the water, do they lock up tight against the glass?


New Member
i'm not sure what you mean by that, the little ones are easy to pick off but the big one is so strong i had to pry her out of the styrofoam box with a plastic fork after she was done acclimating.
no they are the fake nassarius obsoleta or whatever, i got some of those one time and these are much bigger than that.
are periwinkles bad?