Snail massacre!!!


I have a 150g fowlr. Ive been adding some different types of snails over the last month around 50-75. I've noticed my blue legs eating some, not sure if they killed them or found them dead and are having a nice meal. I have 2 fairly large blue legs and the rest are small. should I get rid of those and more of the little ones and had a lot more scarlet crabs then get more snails. I really need more snails but tired of feeding my blues. SO im just not sure if my blues are to blame or is there some other reason???


Blue legs hermits are known to eat corals and other inverts. I had some in my reef and found some zoos and snails dieing. Blue hermits are a bad idea to add to your tank. I would try to take them all out.


i noticed this as well and removed them all from my tank and put them in my refugium.. they are the devil!!!!!!


Blue leg hermits are well known for shopping for new real estate aka other shells even if they are still occupied.


Active Member
Well I am glad you all posted this. I am cycling my 29 gal and had decided that I would get
2 dwarf blue legs
2 dwarf scarlets
2 dwarf zebras
2 shrimps (maybe Fire)
2 Trochus snails
5 Nassarius snails
(is this enough or too much?)
What do you all know about the zebras? Are they reef/snail safe



Active Member
I find it funny that this post started because I was going to start a similar one because of what happened today. I have a lot of snails and crabs (more snails than crabs). I noticed several of the crabs sort of attacking the turbos but none have been successful. Several of the crabs I bought were susposed to be turbos but were crabs instead. I complained to the LFS that I got them from and they are taking care of me. Anyway, one of the crabs was in a cerith snail type shell. Well the shell was laying on its side the last few days so I figured it was dead. Well tonight I saw a crab in a turbo snail leave and enter the cerith home. Man, that was cool. MA little off topic, but I do see the crabs (except for the emeralds) being a little mean!

fishy lips

New Member
Yeah, gotta tell ya', same thing happened to my tank. Had lots more snails than crabs...originally. Noticed they were having lunch and shopping for new "dinnerwear" when I went looking for the snails, only to find the crabs in their shells. The only snails left are the ones who hang on the bottom dwellers last in that tank!!!


Scarlet Reef Hermit's (Red Leg sometimes or sometimes Red Leg Reef they are called) crabs are about the only ones that will not mess with your inverts. Or at least as far as I have seen. Which one does more though? The blue legs or the snails? I would judge by that. For instance as we have been discussing on another post, I have 35 nassarius vibex in my tank. I will be adding probably 15 scarlet reef hermits, 20 trochus snails and 2 sand sifting sea stars. All sand sifters, all completely harmless towards eachother from what I have heard. All of them eat detritus and left over food and two of them eat fish poop (I have witnessed it and it was disgusting). The Scarlet's though have RED LEGS WITH YELLOW FACES!!!! Remeber that if you ever consider buying some.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishy lips
Yeah, gotta tell ya', same thing happened to my tank. Had lots more snails than crabs...originally. Noticed they were having lunch and shopping for new "dinnerwear" when I went looking for the snails, only to find the crabs in their shells. The only snails left are the ones who hang on the bottom dwellers last in that tank!!!

I guess that why some places that sell crabs will give you a lot of empty shells! I just find it funny that when I look up the crabs I have, they describe them as being friendy and reef safe. No cautions.


I have plenty of extra shells. However, I have 5 blue leg hermits and they killed all of my snails and took their shells. I have a few scarlets and am going to get rid of the blue legs.
Originally Posted by mrdc
I guess that why some places that sell crabs will give you a lot of empty shells! I just find it funny that when I look up the crabs I have, they describe them as being friendy and reef safe. No cautions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnywater
The Scarlet's though have RED LEGS WITH YELLOW FACES!!!! Remeber that if you ever consider buying some.
so is this a red tip or scarlet hermit (see them sold as being different from each other). He's too small and face too buried in the shell for me to really tell what color his face is.
