Snail on his back


One of my astrea snails has been on his back for about a week. i have no problems with any others, and my chemistry is good.
the snail is clearly alive, and moves his foot slightly every so often. i have read that snails may be inactive for several days, but a week plus seems like a lot of time.
how long should i wait before taking the snail out of the tank?


Active Member
Um...i would put it right-side-up. i've lost alot of new snails before realizing why they died. They always fell shell first and most couldn't get back up.


Active Member
You let your snail on its back for a week
Just flip him over. Pretty sure astreas are the snails that cannot right themselves, which means they will need your assistance, or they are goners. HTH


doh! let me try that.
btw, i have had plenty of snails in that sito that have righted themselves


Active Member
I only have nass and turbos but they can both right themselves. I think I read something that said astreas cannot


Active Member
Astraeas definately cannot right themselves when they are not close enough to anything to "grab ahold" of.


Active Member
Well I have seen my turbo do it once, it took him a while, I felt bad I just watched for about half an hour and then he finally did it. Another time I saw him struggling and just flipped him over, he gave me a high five and that was that


Active Member
Astraeas and turbos lack the right reflex... not to say every now and then they don't fluke into a successful turn over, but the conditions have to be just right. When I get up and when I go to bed I go around and check all the tanks, flipping any fallen snails. I don't keep hermits because I keep these snails.


well. i righted him and he moved.
it's funny, these guys used to be nocturnal when i had a trigger and a puffer. now that i have reef fish, they are out all day.
i wonder how they know?


Originally Posted by subielover
Well I have seen my turbo do it once, it took him a while, I felt bad I just watched for about half an hour and then he finally did it. Another time I saw him struggling and just flipped him over, he gave me a high five and that was that

That made my day!!! Snail gave me a high five...
Good one Subie!!
To the topic, why would you let a snail sit that long on his back
. Do you have children???