Snails and green hair algae


New Member
Which kind of snails like to eat hair algae? I have a bunch of nassarius obsoleta and they prefer to eat anything but. I also have a big turbine snail, a few astreas, and some ceriths left. Everybody seems to like the algaes that I allow to coat the back glass but dont touch the hair algae on the live rock. Any snails that really seem to like the stuff?


Active Member
I second that, i had about 18 in my 110 gallon and got another half dozen. My entire built in overflow box was COVERED WITH HAIR ALGAE its been three days and there almost done. I am getting from this site on monday or tuesday 10 blue leg hermits, 10 zebra hermits, 10 nassaurius snails, 5 peppermint shrimp to take care of the pesty aiptaia and some ricordia. I cant wait


New Member
Thanks guys, I'll check the LFS to see whether they have any Mexican turbos. I had bought a sea hare thinking that he would do it but it ended up eating alot of the red algae that I like (not the cyano) along with some plants that were beginning to sprout.