Snails are Dying


Ever use anything copper based or there might be copper in your tap water? They cant take any amount in the water.


How many snails would one or two blue legs be likely to eat? Would they eat the big snails?
My snails also die (I've lost dozens).


I've seen two crabs gang up on one snail. Then later on, one of the murders moved into the dead snails shell!


Originally Posted by Maingo
Ever use anything copper based or there might be copper in your tap water? They cant take any amount in the water.
can I do anything about the copper.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by joker3762
if there is copper in my tapwater is there anything i can do about that?

Nope. You should use RO water.


Active Member
Reverse Osmosis. You can buy it at walmart or get an RO unit and make your own.
You can also buy a copper test and test your tap water.


Use water from the off water or saltwater...they don't use's RO water....
Our hermits regularly pick our snails out of their shells to steal the shell. I purchased the bag of 50 empty shells from this website & put them in the tank (we have 100gal tank) so the hermits have other shells to choose from. Seems to have worked well so far. Also I toss in either a seaweed pellet type food or a small piece of Formula One about once a week at night for the critters to eat on...just to make sure they've got enough food. It's ALWAYS gone in the morning, so I know someone is eating it!


Originally Posted by joker3762
I put 13 snails in my 100g tank about 4 months ago, I am down to 2. Any Advise or Ideas??

Also just noitced your tank is 100gal. Is it possible your snails are hiding? With only 13 snails, and if you have lots of live rock, it's quite possible you just can't see them. Unless, of course, you see lots of empty shells :)


Active Member
I try to feed my hermits a little also, but the extra shells didn't work for me. They still kill my snails. When the hermits die I'm not getting anymore. I'm only going to have snails.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
Also just noitced your tank is 100gal. Is it possible your snails are hiding? With only 13 snails, and if you have lots of live rock, it's quite possible you just can't see them. Unless, of course, you see lots of empty shells :)

Yeah, try looking at your tank at night with a flashlight. I see lots of snails then.


Thanks I will try to test my water And look into RO. Do you know how much a unit may cost if I want to do it from my faucet?


It was also suggested by one LFS that I purchase the blue leg hermits because they stay very small & won't want to steal the snail shells. The red hermits & zebra leg hermits can get much bigger & will take the snails' shells. Could be wrong...just what I've I stick with the blue leg hermits now...


Originally Posted by joker3762
Thanks I will try to test my water And look into RO. Do you know how much a unit may cost if I want to do it from my faucet?
Don't know...but you can check this site or just google it & you'll have lots of choices!


What is LFS? I am assuming Low filter system?
I dont have that much live rock only 3 rocks totaling about 35 lbs