Snails are Dying


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
It was also suggested by one LFS that I purchase the blue leg hermits because they stay very small & won't want to steal the snail shells. The red hermits & zebra leg hermits can get much bigger & will take the snails' shells. Could be wrong...just what I've I stick with the blue leg hermits now...

I have actually heard that the blues are much more aggressive.


Originally Posted by joker3762
What is LFS? I am assuming Low filter system?
I dont have that much live rock only 3 rocks totaling about 35 lbs
LFS is Local Fish Store :)


Originally Posted by joker3762
What is LFS? I am assuming Low filter system?
I dont have that much live rock only 3 rocks totaling about 35 lbs
With that small amount of rocks, is it possible they are not getting enough to eat? Why do you only have 35lb of rock?


Just starting to build it up. It is not cheep and i didn't want to spend alot to start. I was told to have aprox 100lbs when i am finished putting live rock in. Is that about accurate?


Active Member
I have both red and blue leggers in my 30g. The blues seem to grow quicker and are generally much more aggressive. Much more entertaining as well if you can spare a snail here or there. =P


if you supply your crabs with shells then you wouldnt have to worry snail entering the bright light at the top of the aquarium (sorry to say) anotherting could be your pH or your Calcium levels


Originally Posted by joker3762
Thanks I will try to test my water And look into RO. Do you know how much a unit may cost if I want to do it from my faucet?
They sell a really nice RO unit at Lowes $150 and it even comes with a storage tank. I have it and love it use it for cooking, drinking water, pets water, and my tank. I thought about the big auction site but cant beat a local store like Lowes they had a display of the unit so I got to check it out before buying it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pyro
I have both red and blue leggers in my 30g. The blues seem to grow quicker and are generally much more aggressive. Much more entertaining as well if you can spare a snail here or there. =P

I agree. My scarlets hide all the time.