

what is the point of companies selling the algae reef packs with the different kinds of crabs and snails if the crabs are just going to kill and eat the snails??? what is a good invert that will clean algae off of glass but wont get eaten by crabs (also reef safe)??


Originally Posted by keish24
what is the point of companies selling the algae reef packs with the different kinds of crabs and snails if the crabs are just going to kill and eat the snails??? what is a good invert that will clean algae off of glass but wont get eaten by crabs (also reef safe)??
I would get the turbo snails. I have never had one of them eaten by hermits, but make sure your corals are glued. JMHO


Originally Posted by keish24
what do you mean make sure they are glued?? do hermits mess with corals?
People talk about turbo's knocking stuff over all the time...frags and such


so i ordered the following reef package sunday and received it today. acclimated it all and put it into my 55 gal. tank. i am wanting this to be a reef tank with a few fish. is this all legit together or am i going to have problems with any of these inverts?
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20
Emerald Crab: 5
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
Sally Lightfoot: 1
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Cleaner Clam: 2
Nassarius Snail - Group of 10: 1


Active Member
This is just my opinion, but I would get rid of all the hermit crabs, they do nothing but eat your snails. Those packs are marketing at its best/worst


Active Member
That's too many hermits and too many emeralds for a 55. You better keep them well fed or they most certainly will eat the snails. 20 astraeas is a lot to look after. They do not have the righting mechanism and are an easy crab buffet if you aren't doing a head count at least twice a day. The hermits won't really eat them for their shell because it's not their preferred shape.... but with that many hermits I'm sure the risk is huge.
I don't keep hermits personally as a part of my CUC. But I do have 2 tanks that have a scarlet. Where they are not there to function as a part of my CUC, I keep them well fed. They are each living with a cerith, which is one of the preferred shell shapes, but have not touched them.I think their shells are too small. I just threw a conch shell in there and he moved on in.
In a month or two... or three your CUC popoluation is going to be cut in to 3/4 - 1/2, hermits included.