Yes, it sure seems odd doesn't it. The crab is usually in and around the rocks but the complete body was out in the open on it's back when I found it. I watched it closely for 2 hours but no movement at all. Water parameters: Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, calcium, 430, alkalinity 12, Temp 79, salinity 1.022. The only additive the night before was 1/8 teaspoon SeaChem Reef advantage. The tank is 10G, 1" plenum, 1" fine gravel,
1" CaribSea Live sand, 400GPH power head, 2 15" Coralife 50/50 tubes. I used Instant Glue Gel to mount the coral and host rock to the larger rock. Thanks for your interest and help.