snails vs mushroom corals


Yesterday my good friend gave me a couple of baby mushroom corals and I put them in my 10 g quarantine tank. This morning no corals just a snail sitting where one of the corals was attached. Snails eat corals?


Active Member
not usually. the mushroom may have died, and the snail cleaned it up. just to be sure, what kind of snail?


Originally Posted by alix2.0
not usually. the mushroom may have died, and the snail cleaned it up. just to be sure, what kind of snail?
They WERE Cerith snails and now they are in my grow out tank. The two corals were only about 1/2 in in diameter and both were alive and well at 10 pm. At 5;30 am they were gone with one of the snails on target. My Emerald Green Mithrax Crab also in the vicinity was dead as can be this morning. Are the Mushrooms that toxic? Thanks for looking and offering an opinion.


Active Member
that doesn't sound right. i don't think a dead mushroom will toxify the tank enough to kill a crab.
also, are you sure it's dead? maybe it just blew off the rock and went into some crevice somewhere. sometimes this happens when they are placed in a new spot and don't like it.
are you sure you are looking at a dead crab and not a molt?
what are your water parameters?


Yes, it sure seems odd doesn't it. The crab is usually in and around the rocks but the complete body was out in the open on it's back when I found it. I watched it closely for 2 hours but no movement at all. Water parameters: Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, calcium, 430, alkalinity 12, Temp 79, salinity 1.022. The only additive the night before was 1/8 teaspoon SeaChem Reef advantage. The tank is 10G, 1" plenum, 1" fine gravel,
1" CaribSea Live sand, 400GPH power head, 2 15" Coralife 50/50 tubes. I used Instant Glue Gel to mount the coral and host rock to the larger rock. Thanks for your interest and help.


Active Member
wait a few days. i'm hoping the crab will re-surface.
an emerald crab molt looks exactly like an emerald crab, with one clean slice down the shell, where he squeezed out of it.