

Okay, this is kind of a random question... but I cant seem to figure it out. I have 4 snails... I got one, and then got the other ones a month later. My question is, the first one is very different from the others. I think it may be a torchus snail- anyways, unlike the other ones, I never find it upside down, it has a purple and green luminesent body, a pyramid shaped purple shell, and it's belly is a cream color. The other snails bodies are brown, have white shells that are shaped inreguarly. The unique one (purple) moves REALLY fast, is always working, and is so cool. Its always eating. My other snails take their time and put around the tank for long periods of time. I also sometimes find them upside down. I am pretty sure they are turbo snails. But what's the other one? I cant find any other like it at my LFS.