

Hello everyone. I have a question regarding Stomatella varia aka Cap Snails. About 6 months ago I picked up a piece of live rock and it had a tiny (about 1/8 inch) Stomatella snail on it. I researched it and found that it was a beneficial addition to the reef. Great, right? However, now my display tank and my sump/fuge is innundated with them. Too many to count and dozens are now 1 inch long. Is this many snails ok? They dont seem to be bothering the corals (I only have polyps and mushrooms). Any response appreciated. Thanks.


That was a stock photo I put in there. I cant get a good shot of one but that is exactly what they look like. Some are brownish/reddish in color. Some are grayish, etc.


Active Member
Well .... they're very good algae grazers, so I would think once the algae is depleated the amount of them should also. Other than cosmetic purposes, I wouldn't worry.


Active Member
Mine all died in Katrina, if you were closer I'd come take some off your hands! They aren't a problem at any rate.