Snails ?


i just purchased some snails from LFS, got them use to the water and put them in, 90% of them headed strait for the top they stoped at the water line, just wondering are they known to leave the tank?


Active Member
Not if your levels are good.
I have seen the occasional snail crawl out of an open topped tank (occasional being 2 in the last year), but it is not a common occurrence.
Post tank details.

jimmy 4

My cerith snails always climb on my powerhead. The top of it is out of the water. Snails are strange.


Active Member
Some snails are intertidal and will indeed walk right out of your tank and make it some distance aways. Margarita and some the the nerite species are famous for doing this. It's their natural behaviour and nothing to do with your tank conditions.
Do youknow what kind of snails you bought?


the body is black and the shell is either black or dark brown with flecks of silver or white, i read about the nerite bieng intertidal, but i figure they wont get far across the carpet


Active Member
Ya, margaritas......
Once I had a bunch of them and left them outside in a bucket for just a little while. They went trucking it big time.
Try not to keep them too warm because they are cold water snails.


yeah im gonna take them out , id rather not have them and know where they are at then have them and not, i got three other snails that a book says a star snails they seem pretty dosile, just hang out on the rocks


the snails are gone, funny thing when i opened the top they started migrating that way, the thought of waking up with a snail on my head gives me the willies


I added about 30 snails to my tank a feew weeks back and about 10 or 12 of them went straight to the top, but everyone has settled in and has done real well. Some of them still like to hang around at the water level but so far they are all "behaving". Good luck!