

New Member
I know this is a reef tank forum and I apologize for breaking the reefers honor, but do any of you know where I can find a bulletin board for reptiles? One of my students brought me a newborn snake that they found and I can't get it to eat anything. Was needing to post on some snake sight. Any reptile fans out there?


New Member
Tan...I've raised and bred many different kinds of snakes for about 7 years now. Newborn snakes usually won't eat for at least 2-4 weeks after they are born. The reason for this is because they live off the "yolk sack" for about that long. You'll be able to tell he's ready to eat after he has gone to the bathroom for the first time. What type of snake is it anyway?


New Member
By the way...if ya need any help with it...or have any other questions...feel free to e-mail me (


Staff member
I am a keeper of ball pythons and will tell you that getting snakes to eat can be no small task! Not to mention the fact that they need to generally eat live foods. Since this is a marine fish bullitin board, I won't go on about snakes. Also, posting other websites for competitors is a "no no" in this bullitin board but if you will email me I will give you a website bullitin board and try to help you with your problem.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I have emailed both of you. If anyone else has information, email me at