Snap32's New 20g Long Tank Diary


Good evening everybody, after realizing i would like to have a small reef tank for my bedroom i decided to go with a 20 gallon tank. Below is equipment list and wishlist. Thanks for looking and keep comments coming!
Equipment i have so far:
Current USA Sundial T5ho 30" 4 bulb 96watt fixture.
20g long tank
Rio 800 powerhead with swivel attachment.
Rio 600 powerhead
Small hob filter from a 3 gallon tank (gonna put cheato in it)
Thats what i have so far. Now i just need a heater and a nice HOB filter. Any suggestions?? Am i missing anything? Im not gonna get a protein skimmer or any of that because i plan on doing weekly water changes.



Active Member
seems good cant wait! what is good to buy tho is a koralia! great flow maker i mean wave maker!
your corals will love it!
and the fuge thing is sweet! i love the refugium! lol


I love the tank, it looks so nice and new, haha my tank I am setting up has a ton of scratches and it isn't even acrlyic hahaha..


Active Member
nice, but how big is the filter from the 3 gallon?
might wanna go bigger, so you can pack in some Live rock in there too
A aquaclear 20 or 50 would be good for a fuge


Active Member
Nice start. I'm planning on the same light. Are the legs adjustable meaning they can slide in and out.


Originally Posted by aquaguy24
Nice start. I'm planning on the same light. Are the legs adjustable meaning they can slide in and out.
Yes the legs slide in and out, the futherest they will slide out is where I have them at. Today might be the day I go grab some live rock and sand and start my cycle!


YAY!!!!! I got rock, water and sand today... Its all in the tank now just waiting for the sand storm to calm down to aquascape.... I will have pics up later tonight!!!!! IM SOOOO HAPPY.. O btw i got some sweet rock for a really bad a$$ price..


Active Member
lets see this thing man! u in the army? my brother just got out last sunday. home for good now. good luck man and thank u


Well my camera sucks but here are the pics!!! let me know what u think! There are some with the atnics and white lights together and some with just white lights.



Today i just bought my CUC
. I got 14 hermits and 8 snails =] I always bought a heater so i can now keep my tank at stable 78 degrees.


Active Member
i would take back the hermits they can be a pain, picking at zoas at ripping them off, and killing snails for their shells.


Well i have some neew changes! My friend tore down his tank so i he gave me some of his stuff he had. As i of now i have 2 small maroon clowns, purple tip hatian anemone, 2 neon green birdsnest, nice frag of star polyps, ducans with a new head!! some various zoas (not to many), and some sps that used to be blue but my friend had poor lighting, so now its in my tank with high hopes. All the polyps are out ant the tips are still blue but who knows whats gonna happen. Also i got rid of the rio 600 powerhead and got a korlia 2 and love it. Here are some pics but my camera blows



Umm, good looking tank first off.
But don't be surprised if the nem doesn't last long, they like established tanks. Also the maroons will get nasty when they get bigger.
But you can't beat free.