if i have a snow flake eel i read that u cant have inverts. does the eel suck snails and all out of there shells? shrimp i understand, not much to help them... so can i have inverts with shells?? if not how do i keep my sand clean.. do i have to vacuum all the time??
try some hermit crabs.
I havent tried shrimp because im scared, i would like to try a cleaner shrimp, but now i have a little valentini puffer, so event aht might now work
snowflakes are lazy most of the time if u feed them and make sure all the stuff u add is bigger than its mouth u shouldnt have a problem. The only thing u have to remember is they can get very large.
my 2 cents
Originally posted by Durabane
snowflakes are lazy most of the time if u feed them and make sure all the stuff u add is bigger than its mouth u shouldnt have a problem. The only thing u have to remember is they can get very large.
my 2 cents
.well as far as size goes they only get aprox 2 ft they are the smallest of the eel family as long as they have a nice rock they can fit under they are happy lil campers