SnG Bio Cube 29g!!!


Finally have everything the way i like it, planning on adding a few more corals and maybe one more fish. Right now I really want my clown fish to host the anenome but that anenome always try to hide on the back corner between a piece of dead coral.
Will post more pictures when I add a few corals over this week.



I mix Rotifers with a little brine shrimp... I first add a little around the sun coral while feeding my fish. Then i use a turkey blaster and feed each head with the Rotifers/brine shrimp mix...


Active Member
Wow that sun coral looks awesome !! I too have an anenomie I want my clowns to host in, I am found out that they most likely wont until they reach sexual maturity and the Female becomes the female and they decide to look for a place to nest in. Seeing as though my 2 are not even 1" long I prob have a while to wait. But my anenomie hides out too stays behind the rock and then when the lights come on he oozes out and stretches up to them.
I want to get a frogspawn coral or another type of anenomie looking coral but, I dont want them to host in the coral instead of the anenomie.
NICE TANK !! Looks good.


Thanks, i got that Sun Coral pretty cheap =D
I got it for 20 dollars, very good deal!!!