Snow Flake Moray Eel


New Member
So this morning when I woke up I found my SF Eel on the ground in a circle. I don't know how long he has been out of the tank but he was in the tank at 8pm the night before he made he escape
He is currently in a 10 gallon holding tank
Was wondering if he will make it or not



Well-Known Member
it just depends how long he was out of the tank but it should be 1 or 2 weeks intil it makes a complete recovery.

if you have stress cout I would put it in the tank that may speed up the recoery


The key to recovery is whether or not the fish's gill structures have dried out and were damaged as a result. Fortunately, eels have closed opercula, which helps keep them moist during such mishaps. Methylene blue often helps to soothe damaged gills (esp. if it's due to NH3 burns).

If your tank isn't covered, as in eel-proofed, cover it. Remember, eels are quite strong, and they can knock loose/lightweight covers off of tanks. Also, if the eel's snout will fit into a hole, the rest of the eel will likely follow.


Originally Posted by zoidberg01 http:///t/397144/snow-flake-moray-eel#post_3539422
Stress coat and hidang spots will help him make a great recovery. Also is meals three times a day
That's WAY too much to feed an eel. Eels are binge/fast predators that feed, then rest and digest the meal. Feeding too often results in hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver degeneration). Eels are best kept on feedings 2 -3 x a week.