snow flake moray eel


New Member
i was wondering if it is okay to put a snow flake eel in with a orange tail damsel and big yellow tang. I also have a trigger. I read that snowflake eels are not as aggressive and will not bother the fish.


Active Member
i have my sfe in with a maroon clown and a yellow tail damsel he leaves them alone except when it come to feeding time. When i put in a piece of krill and the eel is hungry he has gone after the clown and the damsel. just remember every eel in different. he may or may not eat your damsel
remember that eels have bad eyesite so they will bite at anything while feeding time but you should be ok eels aren,t fast swimmers so you shouldn,t hav problems :D :D :D


THe problem I see with setup is with the trigger! what type of trigger is it. Most experienced eel keeper can tell your that your trigger will most likely aggitate or aggravate your eel. Puffers and Triggers are believed to be the smartest of all bony fishes, and anyone who has kept a trigger can attest to a great deal of learning and association. I wouldn't do it if the trigger is of medium size and if the trigger has already established him/herself. The trigge will see this strange fish most likely in the evening, nd be like whats that! You can almost be sure that it'll investigate and see what it is! What it decides to do, well you'll just have to wait and see but I think the trigger will have the upper hand!