Snow Flake Where R U


I recently added a Snow Flake Eel to my tank, fairly small about 5", as soon as i put him in, he found his home in under 1 second, a live rock with tunnels, it's not hollow but it has tunnels in it, so the eel hasn't left the rock yet, I actually have to feed him with a feeding stick, I just knock on the rock and wave a piece of silverside and he sticks his head out and snatches it, and goes back in, is there anything i can do to get him to come out of there?


If it's only been a few days, I wouldn't start worrying yet. Are you feeding him every day?My kidako is out as soon as it gets dark, but is even more active when he hasn't been fed for a few days and is looking for food. If you're taking the food to his doorstep, why should he come out?
I would skip feeding for a few days, and see if he ventures out for food on his own.
Good luck!


he should eventually eat on his own for mine i just drop some shrimp in the tank and he comes out and gets it . as soon as i take the top off he comes out of his hole.


I don't think he'll get any food, the other fish go crazy when it's feeding time, my huma and lunar eat everything, i'll probably throw some food by his cave see if he gets it


Throw the food in the tank and give him a few min. Eels have bad eyesight so they depend on the smell of the food more than seeing it. Also putting a drop of garlic on the food would definetly help him smell it.