

Hi everyone,
My tank is 5 weeks old today!
Ph 8.2
Alk 2.2
Amm .35
Nitrite 0
nitrate 20
PO4 .2
Ca 350
temp 78.6
SG 35 ppt
I have a 20 gal with a skilter 250 (turning into refugium with cheato), and rio 600 powerhead rated at 200 gph. that is 20 time the tank volume. I have a oil slick at the top of the tank and ordered a second powerhead rated at 126 gph for the top of the tank to inprove the gas exchange and help with the oil slick. Plus i will be adding a aqua C remora with skimmer box (will hide the pump and clean the top of the tank).
Here comes the Snow!


I dont miss shoveling that stuff....This is when Florida is a good place to live..Maybe not in the summer but from Nov-March its great....


OMG, you're in willoughby? im in mentor, well i'm actually in willoughby right now cause that's where i work... what a small world, and THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i HATE snow! and it's wayyy too early to be getting this crap!!!!!!!! i walked outside this morning, and there was 3 " on my car...


oh, i hope this isn't like this all week cause i just bought a new car and i need to clean out my trade-in... and the one i'm driving right now definately does not have tires for winter... they're way worn down!


ugh, it's supposed to be in the low 30's for the rest of the week... but not much snow, so that's a good thing, i guess...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
... i guess it depends on who's driving...

You live near Cleveland....J?


So, they moved my thread! Why do you move this thread, when about three weeks ago I ask to move a thread in the classified to the new hobbyists and you did nothing? :notsure:


Active Member
Sorry Robert,
I did not see that you actually did post about your tank. I gave the thread a quick overview and it looked like a lot of non-saltwater chatter.
I also moved your other thread. Many times, we do not see things because there is just so many posts on the board that we cannot physically look at all of them. Sometimes, we do miss some posts. So, it is not that we ignored you or did not move it for you. Most of the time, we simply do not see something and it goes unnoticed.