snowflake acting weird and nuts


i currently have 2 snowflakes that are both around 24 inches. I have had them for awhile and have had no problems. Now one have them has started to chase the other around the tank and is swimming all over the place. He is even trying to go after my triggers. I also have a barred eel that it is leaving alone but he is harrassing the other snowflake. They are all in a 240 gallon. Is this normal for a snowflake when they get older?
Thank you
Well, what I know about snowflakes is that as they get older they do change sexes, the "beak" gets more pointer and sharper. So you could have to males that are possible fighting for dominance in the tank. As far as the eel going after your triggers, is it not getting enough food? I currently have a snowflake (about 10") in my 30 gallon reef tank, he seems to be very laid back and does bother anyone. However, the snowflake that I had before him would always attack my Engineer Gobies. Hope, that helps a little bit.