snowflake clean-up crew


would it be wise to add a clean up crew without shrimp with a snowflake eel in the tank or would he just eat them? How about a starfish? If it is a good idea,then which snails or crabs or starfish would best suit my needs, there will be a dwarf lion and a small snowflake in a 55gal, not to much algae , But my concern is, I heard they are both messy eaters.


I am not sure about snails or starfish, but I have hermits in with both of my snowflakes and they don't mess with them. Good Luck


i have 20 blue legs and a serpent star w/ my snowflake. he doesn't give them any trouble that i've seen. they all come out at night. i also have a coral skeleton that the star gets into that NOBODY can reach him from.