Snowflake Compatability


New Member
I have just set up my reef tank with live rock and a small snowflake eel. I have had some rock and 4 blue damsels. One Damsel didnt make it past the new live rock. The others are fine. What will get along with the eel. I want to put in a variety of corals and other inverts as well as some fish. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks


New Member
Snowflake eels are ok in a reef tank under a few circumstances. The fish being added are considerably bigger than the eel, all your corals as well as your rock if glued firmly in place and you have no intentions of putting any shrimp or crabs in the reef. Snowflake eels are a neat addition to the reef tank but have a tendency to knock over corals and rock to find their prey which may be your small pygmy angel or your newly purchased cleaner shrimp.

lacy j dalton

New Member
Beware they are jumpers had one for a couple weeks til i found him under the chair beside the tank. Just to note mine is not the only case .


New Member
I have found my snowflake to be both tough and fun to watch. He survived in a bucket with an air stone for two days. He will make attempts at escape so keep the top covered. I have a sand substrate and he likes to arrange the sand under the live rock to give him a den. The only fish that I tried that he hasn't eaten are a lion fish, cleaner wrasse and one of those green spotted puffers from Wal-Mart. Seems to be very fond of damsels. Actually, he will eat anything meaty that he can get in his mouth. If he can get his mouth on it...he will eat it.

mr . salty

Active Member
Did I hear you right?? You put a puffer from WalMart in your reef aquarium.Do you mean one of those fresh water ones? You got more BALLS than me,I wouldnt put a Walmart fish in my sons 10gallon tank for food. STEVE


I don't think a snowflake eel would be much of a problem as long as you have fish that aren't small enough to fit in its mouth~! There not that bad with reefs just remember that they try to escape. So keep a sturdy hood~! And about the puffer I never knew that Wal-Mart carried fish, and I agree with MR. SALTY,and I would not put one of those in my toilet~!