snowflake & dragon wrasse

Hi all .. i hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far.
I was wondering if my 55 would be big enough for these beautiful creatures and can they live together or will i have problems .. in the tank right now i have 2 urchins and a blue devil damsel who will not move out much to my dismay
.. any info would be great .. thanks all ;)
anyone.... anyone... i hope i can get some advice soon i plan on going to the store later today and maybe!!! buying one of these .. which one should be added first .. thanks again all


had a dragon wrasse in a 55 in fact he came to me as quite a supprise, I bought the tank and it had
the sand along with a couple of inches of water in
the bottom.
after setting the tank up standing there admiring the setup something jumped out of the sand, stirred up the whole tank (scared the crap
otta me) and to my supprise there was about a 4in
wrasse. had him for a long time he did well.hth


Active Member
I have no experience with dragon wrasses, but they may need a tank a little larger than a 55. You could probably just keep the wrasse and the snowflake in the 55 with no problems, just no other inhabitants. Bo
fish wise i only want to keep the dragon and the snowflake .. the blue devil damsel is a tricky one to catch .. i hae tried and failed to catch em and put it in my 30 gal reef.. but would the dragon,snowflake and the two urchins be ok together .. i do not plan on putting any other fish in that tank and in about a year or so i plan on a 125gal .. thanks again all